About Us

Amazon Research Center is a non-profit research platform which entirely devotes to the investigation of the historical Amazons.

This platform was founded in 1996 with following objectives:
- to bring information about the historical Amazons to a wide audience
- to present current research findings
- to intensify research projects and realize new research activities

The founder of the Amazon Research Network, Gerhard Pöllauer, born 1962, is an Austrian archaeologist and historian who is engaged in the research of the Amazon history for more than 30 years.
On this photo, which has been taken on our exploring expedition in September 1999, he is standing in the doorway of the mysterious castle Kapru Kale - presumably the last refuge of the Amazons.

Gerhard Poellauer

Gerhard Pöllauer, Geheimnisvolles Lemnos

Amazon Research Center

Gerhard Pöllauer: The Lost History of the Amazons.