Gerhard Pöllauer: The Lost History of the Amazons
Recent research findings on the legendary women nation
ISBN: 978-1-4461-9305-1; Paperback, 148 pages, 87 black-and-white pictures, 3 illustrationsPrice: $16.56
This book focuses on the numerous traces of the Amazons.
It reports on latest findings and investigation in the legendary homeland of the Amazons at the
river Thermodon and on the Amazon island Lemnos.
Fresh evidence indicates that the Amazons really existed!
According to these new discoveries the lost history of the Amazons can be reconstructed.

Heinrich Schliemann's Selbstbiographie
The autobiography of Heinrich Schliemann
ISBN: 978-3-902096-41-8; Paperback, 116 pages, 24 black-and-white picturesPrice: EUR 13.00
Heinrich Schliemann is very famous for the discovery of Troy, Mycenae and Tiryns.
He is a celebrated but also controversial personality of the 19th century.
In particular he has been attacked for his digging methods; on the part of archaeology
he is accused of having destroyed much more than preserved. Actually, it is a matter of fact
that these sensational archaeological discoveries are due to his unshakable belief in the words of Homer,
to his readiness to assume a risk and above all to his strong will. The autobiography had been
completed after his death by his Greek wife Sophie.
In this book many pictures have been added to the original text. On the one hand
there are drawings which had been made by Schliemann himself, on the other there are pictures
of some outstanding finds from Troy, Mycenae and Tiryns.
=> Specimen
This book is only available in German.

Gerhard Pöllauer: Geheimnisvolles Lemnos. Die von Frauen beherrschte Insel
Mysterious Lemnos. Island dominated by women
ISBN: 978-3-902096-77-7; Paperback, 128 pages, 97 black-and-white pictures, 3 color photos, 1 mapPrice: EUR 13.00
The rather unknown North Aegean island Lemnos amazes with its great prehistoric past.
About 5000 years ago there existed a highly-developed civilization which created imposing cities,
mighty rock buildings and impressive sanctuaries on this Greek island. The discovery of Poliochni was sensational.
Because of its largeness and refinement this Bronze Age settlement is regarded as the most ancient city of Europe.
Also the discoveries at Myrina in the west and Hephaistia in the north witness the island's
prehistoric importance. Presumably there was a further city in the Northeast - Chryse, which was sunken under the sea.
Moreover, the findings make evident that in this ancient civilization there was gender equality,
it even seems that the women had the predominating gender role.
Not without reason in antiquity Lemnos was described with the words »island dominated by women«.
=> Table of contents
This book is only available in German.
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