The great rock-hewn town Uplistsikhe is a very imposing historic site of Georgia. It is situated seventy kilometers west of Tbilisi, on the left bank of the River Mtkvari.

According to the archaeologists, the origins of this site date back to the late Bronze Age, to the 2nd millennium BC. It is one of the earliest towns of Georgia, but it is the architecture which makes it so awesome. Due to its age there arises the question whether there is any reference of a town in the ancient Nart sagas. This extraordinarily rich folk literature of the Caucasus is very old and deeply rooted in the tradition of the indigenous peoples of the Caucasus. The myths and legends reflect a society where women have an important, perhaps even a predominating role.
Actually, there is a town mentioned in the Nart sagas. In this town there lives one of the most prominent Nart characters, the wise and enticing woman Satanaya - the Great Mother of all Narts. The name of this town is Ghund-Ghund.
In the fourth saga titled 'Satanaya and Argwana' following story is told:
»In the time of the Narts there stood a city called Ghund-Ghund. Its streets were narrow and twisted. A man could easily become lost and never find his way out! Therein lived a woman named Satanaya whose beauty was unsurpassed. In the city there was also a great treasure, a magical three-legged table…«
This town Ghund-Ghund is described as a labyrinth. Actually, Uplisziche also creates the impression that it is a labyrinth considering the winding alleys and paths which weaves through the many rock-cut structures.
The magical three-legged table reminds at the famous tripod from Delphi in Greece
on which the oracle priestess Pythia delivered oracles in a frenzied state.
Concerning the archaeological evidence, it is believed that Uplisziche had been an important religious center before Christianization.

The main elements of the architecture in Uplisziche are: rock-cut rooms, narrow rock cut paths and alleys, deep niches, rock-hewn cisterns, rock-hewn courtyards with rock-hewn benches follow the perimeter of the courtyard. Many of these features you will rediscover at the rock-hewn monuments in the Thermodon area of northern Turkey, so at Tekkeköy and Karpu Kale, as well as on the Greek island Lemnos at Myrina.

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