The story about the Amazons was one of the most popular themes for Greek artists. There
is a great number of pictures depicting Amazons.
Most of the Amazon pictures are scenes of fighting.
Amazons were considered as very brave, daring and fearless combatants, therefore
only the most famous Greek heroes as Heracles, Achilleus
and Theseus were capable to defeat them. Very popular were scenes of the heroic fight
between Heracles and Hippolyte - Queen of the Amazons, and the life-and-death
struggle between Achilleus and Penthesilea at Troy.
But Amazons were also desirable, so Antiope - Queen of the Amazons - was abducted by the
Athenian hero Theseus.
Besides being courageous and bold, they were also looked upon as warriors with dignity.
Amazons are never shown as cruel, perfidious or cowardly.
There are scenes of Amazons bringing in their injured comrades, risking their own life for
helping others.

Most probably it depicts the fight between Heracles and the Amazon Queen Hippolyte.
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